Category: General First ENLIGHT RISE and Arqus Alliance Open Science Ambassador Webinar

First ENLIGHT RISE and Arqus Alliance Open Science Ambassador Webinar

December 13, 2023

Open Science practices promote transparency, reusability, (interdisciplinary) cooperation and the improvement of research quality and credibility, with the ultimate goal of facilitaiting the exchange of and access to (scientific) knowledge. These practices often involve the use of open-source tools, open sharing of research data, providing open access to research outcomes, utilizing open educational resources, and transparent peer review procedures. Despite the numerous benefits, the integration of Open Science into everyday research and education often proves challenging and is so far only selectively adopted within specific research domains. What factors contribute to this discrepancy and how to deal with them?

In this webinar we would like to discuss experiences and best practices as well as challenges, and how these might be overcome.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you would like to contribute a short presentation (e.g. about your Open Science challenges)


9:00-9:15: Welcome & Round of introductions
9:15-9:45: Short presentation on Open Science practices in a European university alliance by Pia Voigt (Leipzig University and member of Arqus RI, Co-Lead of WP5: Open Science Agenda)
9:45-10:30: Discussion and Exchange of Experiences

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