[OSCG] Meet & Greet - Katja Mayer

[OSCG] Meet & Greet - Katja Mayer

April 24, 2024

On the 24th of April (Wednesday), Dr. Katja Mayer will be presenting her work for the broader Open Science communities in Groningen.

Katja Mayer is an Elise Richter Fellow at the University of Vienna’s Department of Science and Technology Studies, where she explores the interface of science, technology, and society. She places particular emphasis on the politics of open science and data infrastructures. Trained as a sociologist, her current research focuses on the power of social scientific methods in the era of big data and machine learning through the lens of studying data practices. As an open science advocate, she actively advises on research and innovation policy.
Event details
When: 24th April @ 15:00 - 17:00 CET
Where: LUST (Oude Kijk in Het Jatstraat 58, 9712 EL)

Price: Free! Drinks and (vegetarian) snacks will be provided

The afternoon will give the floor to Katja to share her research and her work within Open Science.
In addition, we invite members of the Groningen research community to share their research and the incorporation of Open Science.
  • the challenges of researchers and research performation organisations navigating the legal complexities of open data practices
  • the newly recognised (and heavily debated) importance of open source and digital commons for responsible AI
  • the challenges creating, operating and governing open research infrastructures
  • ways and formats of participation and opennes in data generation, interpretation and application
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact: openscience-groningen@rug.nl
See you there!
LUST Groningen
Oude Kijk in t' Jatstraat 58
Groningen, 9712 EL

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