[ReproducibiliTea Groningen] Tools and practices to increase computational reproducibility

[ReproducibiliTea Groningen] Tools and practices to increase computational reproducibility

April 18, 2024

: Tools and practices to increase computational reproducibility

Guest speaker (on site): Daniela Gawehns, coordinator of the Dutch Reproducibility Network (NLRN), UMCG
When: Thursday April 18, 2 - 3 PM (CET)
Where: In person: H0431 (Heijmans Building)  or Online: 

During the meeting, we will zoom in on two tools: CODECHECK and Reprohack. Both are hackathon formats to review other researchers' code but have different aims. Reprohack is a sandbox environment for participants to experience and learn about reproducibility and get first hands on experience with code reviewing. Within CODECHECK, the aim is to reproduce results and issue certificates that can be used within the publishing process.

Our guest speaker is on site, so all the more reason to attend in person!

Heijmans Building, H0431
Grote Kruisstraat 2/1
Groningen, 9712 TR

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